An IES extractor includes world class production facilities, good manufacturing practices, high flowrates, full automation, proprietary software and more.

Perfect Process Stability

Perfect Process Stability Several contributing factors come together in perfect harmony to create an IES extractor: world class production facilities, quality driven good manufacturing practices, industry-leading flowrates, full automation, proprietary software, and much more. But what truly sets IES apart from other CO2 extractors is our ability to achieve perfect process stability during an extraction. Extracting…

Grow With You

Grow With You

Grow With You We want to grow with you. Businesses come in many shapes and sizes. They have different goals and methodologies. Some are well-funded, some are not. Regardless of the make or model of your business, we are all looking for ways to improve. IES wants to help. If you are just starting out,…

IES cGMP Process

IES cGMP Process

cGMP Process When a client in the purchasing process has indicated they want a cGMP-compliant unit, the first step is to determine the User Requirement Specifications (URS) and ensure the pressure range, temperature range, automation, etc. offered by an IES extractor are in line with what the client is looking for in the system.Once the…